Friday, January 16, 2009

Back to work

Well, I'm back from Couran Point Island Beach Resort (South Stradbroke Island) after a delightful 5 days of not thinking or doing anything with regards to work. I have a bit of a tan and a bit of a gut and am looking forward to going back to work on Monday (read that with a level of forced happiness).

My plans for this year are to be a bit more organised (am going to spend up to 3 hours today cleaning my desk so that this has even a remote possibility of happening) and to go further to fulfilling my vision of 'creating leaders of character'. This last might be a bit more difficult now that I will only be looking after Year 12, rather than all of 10 -12 as per the last three years. Maybe I'll have a bit more success with that year level after all. Yes Amanda, that includes you.

Oh well. 2009 - I hope you're ready


Anonymous said...

wait... how can it be more difficult when your only managing our grade, as opposed to our grade, as well as two other chaos filled grades?

Anonymous said...

Maybe because he won't be able to 'build them up' to year 12 standard; he won't be able to throw pens at them (hypothetically speaking) until year 12 when it's almost too late to fix anything :D

Can't wait for camp... wooo!

Anonymous said...

But he has already thrown pens at us so the heightened difficulty levels would come post-2009... which was not what he was referring to in the post.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe we are just a really really bad grade.


*brief moment of eye-opening realisation*

Nahhh :)

Oh but see the sentence "Maybe I'll have a bit more success with that year level after all."

Wow confusing post much? What are you really saying Mr S? You of all people should know how much I suck at this analysing text stuff.

Unknown said...

I was listening to Achtung Baby and Zooropa at the time, so there is an element of trying to sound smarter than I was, and an element of not really knowing what I was going to say any way.


I'll be better by the start of the camp. I think.

Anonymous said...

Nooooo... never blame it on music. Music is good. It is a river of... e.m.o.tion.s. And one of the leading reasons for Copyright infringement.

Anyhow it shouldnt be hard to think of why else you would have said that... Ahh yes. Just say that you ran out of your high-strength coffee that day, and had to delve into the lower strength, hence making you need more cups, hence more milk than normal, hence you felt weeooord or something like that.

Or you could say that you were sitting in your chest freezer with your notebook because the fan broke on it, so it tends to overheat when running. So the colder temps effectively keep your computer cool, but you lost some brain function and so you weren't thinking right when you said it.

Wow i should like be a lawyer or something for you when something goes wrong... anyone would believe those stories.

Anonymous said...

Kinda reminds me of

Don't blame it on the sunshine... don't blame it on the moonlight... don't blame it on the good times...
blame it on the boogie!

Uh random. Heh.

Michael you should totally be his lawyer in the event that he gets taken to court for his blog post being too incoherent.

Anonymous said...

Hey so i was wondering... can you give me permission to bring an airhorn? more off i would like permission to blow it for 10 seconds flat in our penthouse/room/cabin/tent (which one is it?) during year 12 camp. Either during the middle of the night or in the morning.

I really would love to do it during the middle of the night, but i figure that may be out of the question for you, so thats why there is the option of in the morning. Because if you have specific wake up times, then I'm your man.

And don't worry, if the college board, or any staff, or people in high position complain to you about letting me do that, then suddenly im your attorney, and we can take them to court.

So when you think about it, its a win win situation. You let me anyways, and if no-one complains, then we are all sweet and ill let you record the boys reaction. If you do get complaints then we have a court case, and you will win some money!!!(Terms and Conditions Apply)

And one last thing before i finish this post... Is it true we get fee shopping time whilst on camp?

oh by the way, i cut my hair for you.

Anonymous said...

Ooo yay, airhorn! Doing it at midnight would be most amusing. Just give me a heads up otherwise it certainly wont be amusing for you, Michael...

Hey, can I get another lawyer from your firm please? It appears some suck-up is trying to better my IPT achievements unfairly :)

Yeah, I heard we get to go shopping/coffee drinking/chilling/have free time in Coolum on one of the nights we're there. True or false? Correct or incorrect? Fo' real or absolutely bogus?

And are you annoyed yet?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, are you annoyed? If this comment tennis is really getting on your nerves then i have a bute idea. You could hire me (prices listed on my website), and then we could have a case against this Amanda woman.

Oh, and a note to you Amanda, my Attorneys office does not deal with acts of destiny or divine intervention. Sorry i couldn't have been of service.

Anonymous said...

Michael, I think you mean "beaut". Not "bute".

And how does divine intervention come into this, hmm?

Excuse me while I go read my Facebook spam MICHAEL.

Anonymous said...

Oh and Michael;

It would be an invalid case because it takes two to play tennis.


Anonymous said...

thats what i mean... tennis between you and me... and when Mr S steps in... he can be... the referee.

Oh and for all of you who went to my attorneys hire website, and passed the picky test... here is a little certificate for you:

Anonymous said...


I just noticed it doesn't say anything about no mobiles or iPods on the camp note... does this mean they're allowed?

Answers *before* camp would be good :)

Unknown said...

Yes - we do go to town for coffee... I mean shopping time, plus for ice cream... yum.

No - mobile phones and mp3 players are not a good idea... although I need a new one.

No - airhorns are not a good idea. The boss may do thing with the airhorn if blown at the wrong time, and all the time is the wrong time.

And... No, I don't need the somewhat shady legal services of the legal startup referred to in the comments... Please don't spam here.

Other than that, it will be fun!!!