Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One way that Open Source will defeat the ogres of Closed software!

I was doing my daily digesting of comics (you really should try it, a bit of laughter is good for the soul... or is it chicken soup?), and laughed at this comic at dilbert.com:

This reminds me of the fight over XML document standards... OO.o V MS anyone? I'm not 100% sure which one is which at the moment though. Hmmm.

I'm also just a tad freaked out that the guy doing the Kung Fu looks a little like me, and his Kung Fu is at about my level. Sheer coincidence? Quite possibly, but can we be sure? Hmmm.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hahaha he does look like you!

There were Dilbert comics on the QCS MC2 test..!