Thursday, November 27, 2008

A bit weird, a bit funky and whole heap of OpenSource

Aussies can buy the XO OLPC online from November 30 - guaranteeing you're in the good books with the kids this Christmas.

The XO OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) is a really rugged, cheap and Linux based laptop.

I think its pretty cool anyway... and did I mention, its cheap!

Monday, November 24, 2008

My Jesus - Todd Agnew

Hey all - On Sunday I had the pleasure of listening to Peter Sondergeld deliver the message at ChristLife - West Toowoomba Presbyterian Church. At the end of the message, he played the video below. It made me want to post the blog I've been thinking about (read: still has a lot of work to do) regarding our perceptions of Jesus. For a while I've struggled with the view of Jesus that contemporary church puts forward. It seems to clash with what I see as the Biblical perspective. Hmmm. I will need to put that up at some time.

Watch the video below. It will change your perception of WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) at the very least... maybe even some personal change.

Friday, November 21, 2008

They've gone!

Year 12s from all over Queensland graduated today, and my school was no different. We had a fantastic ceremony and it was poignant and beautiful. I loved every minute of it - except for the bits where I had to talk (I MCed the event).

I wish all the Graduates of 2008 well - especially those of Christian Outreach College Toowoomba. You've done well to get where you have and I pray that you'll all follow God's will and your heart, because then you'll be a success, regardless of what life throws at you.

All the best and God's blessings. We'll miss you here.
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Friday, November 14, 2008

Year 11 Revision

Hi all....

For some reason the school's filtering program doesn't allow students to get to addresses, thus rendering my blogspot to particularly useless at school. >8(

Instead, I've put the Year 11 revision sheet up here [link] at my church website... Shhh!! don't tell anyone.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Year 12 exam is happenin'

One of the things I've learned over the years is that no matter how much time and effort you put into making an exam paper completely idiot proof, the computer will always stuff it up for you. Darn computers! Who'd want to work with them?!

No more revision sheets

Hey all, my apologies for the poor behaviour, mixing personal with work. It won't happen again, not until the end of the week anyway. Poor, poor Year 12s. Hope you enjoyed the exam... I didn't enjoy writing it.

Year 11 - you're next.

Monday, November 10, 2008

oops. I've remade the pdf


Here's the working pdf [link] - I tested it myself.
here's the original word document [link] - touched up and made half-decent.

and here's the answers (pdf) [link].

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Bad form, I know, but here we are.

All my Year 12 IPTers, heres the revision sheet [link].

Just AI (but don't forget that it includes a little of the expert systems we did soooo long ago)...

Have fun - and no rude comments folks. You haven't graduated yet!