Sunday, February 22, 2009

New profile picture

Thanks Ben!!!

Your sneaky snapping of snaps has netted me a great new profile picture. Now, not only do I look cool, I also look more than a little deranged... Hmmm.

But, as Ben said, the old one (red and yellow life jacket) was getting... well, old.

Nuff said.

Back to the real world. Oh. Snap.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

PointUI 2 Home is out!

I appear to be a little late (must have missed my email warning) but PointUI 2 Home is out for download. Its a little app that remakes your old dodgy looking Windows Mobile interface into something you can actually show your friends.

Just downloaded it - about to try it. Give it ago yourself:

Friday, February 13, 2009

GodTube is dead: Long live Tangle!!!

You may have noticed recently (particularly if you're a subscriber) that the Christian Video streaming place GodTube ( is gone. Like the mythical phoenix, it has been reborn (perhaps I should use a more christian analogy along the lines of 'like Lazarus from the dead', but it's not quite the same image, really) and recast as Tangle (

Underneath all the new jazz, it is still essentially the same video sharing site (like youTube - as it was, with the same underlying technologies (as far as I can tell). It has simply been rebadged and a new domain was registered.

What does this mean to all of us? Well, the word of tangle:
Our goal is to touch more people than ever, to provide them with not just the place but also the means to connect with others online, to share their faith and lives, and to ultimately portray a Christian angle in everything they do.

If you haven't checked it out yet, you will want to. There's a fantastic plethora of Christian goodies, and the first email themed message I've got is all about valentines: