Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Finally!! Made it Number 1 on Google!!!

Yay!!! I've finally made it to number 1 on google!!! You've got to love searching for yourself, it sometimes makes you feel better.
Here's a screenshot to prove it:

... and the search link: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=richard+schwarz

In related news (sort of) version 1.1 of the Woot! Public License will soon be released. Written to be understood by the lay IT person, it aims to maintain all the freedoms of the first license while more closely adhering to the Open Source Initiative's [link] definition of Open Source. Oh - and I've already created some software using the Woot! 1.1 Public License (a simple search and delete app in VB.Net).

That will probably be posted on Teaching IPT with a reference in this blog.


1 comment:

Amanda Moffatt said...

Woot for the Woot! license